The Sport Sesh

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Which Team will Drop the Baton Tonight in the 4x100m Relay?

Screw the Kentucky Derby, the men's 4x100 meter relay is the most exciting 45 seconds in sports. The 4 fastest men from 8 countries in a dead sprint around the track, but what makes this event even more intriguing is that the favorites aren't a lock for the gold. Every Olympics teams either fumble the baton or are disqualified for a lane violation, or doping. In 2008, The United States posted the fastest qualifying times, but did not even compete in the final after dropping the baton on a hand off in the semi-finals. In 2012, the US was stripped of their Silver Medals after Tyson Gay failed a drug test and Canada, who finished third, was disqualified after a lane violation. Just yesterday, the US women's 4x100 meter relay team re-ran their semi-final heat, alone, after their muffed hand off was ruled 'lane interference' by race officials. This race is must watch television because inevitably someone will screw up. It's actually more rare to see every team finish without a glaring mishap than to see someone trip or drop the baton. Any race Usain Bolt is competing in will be entertaining, especially since Jamaica is looking for their third straight gold medal in this event. However, the United States posted the fastest time in the semi-finals, and is looking to redeem themselves after not winning gold since 2000 in an event they have historically dominated. But again, anything can happen in this race and a 7-team collision is probably more likely than the top 3 teams finishing 1-2-3.