Is Ryan Lochte Just a Psycho Liar?

Is Ryan Lochte Just a Psycho Liar?

In what has become the most bizarre story line of the Olympics, American swimmer, and 12 time Olympic medalist, Ryan Lochte and three teammates claim to have been robbed at gunpoint by uniformed police officers after leaving a party late Sunday night. However, Brazilian and IOC authorities are skeptical of Lochte's account, citing multiple inconsistencies with his story. Initially, Lochte alleged that police pulled over the cab he and his teammates were in and put a gun to his head, but less than a week later he changed his story to say that the cab had pulled into a gas station to pee when the police came out and pointed a gun 'in his general direction.' Further contradicting his story, Lochte and his teammates all escaped the 'mugging' with their watches and cell phones. Security camera footage at the Olympic Village also shows the 4 men returning that night seemingly normal, even joking with each other. Brazilian and IOC officials have launched an investigation into the incident, as security has been a serious concern for Rio, a city famous for its historically high violent crime rate.

I'll admit that when I first heard about this story I bought it hook, line, and sinker, but as Lochte's testimony becomes less and less water tight, the more I doubt it ever happened at all, which begs the question - why? Why would Ryan Lochte and his teammates make this up? We all know Ryan Lochte isn't the sharpest tool in the shed. This, after all, is the same guy who, when asked to define himself, replied "Ryan Lochte." While we're on the subject of Lochte's infinite wisdom, he is also quoted as saying, "You can tell a great athlete by like not how many times he wins unlike when he loses, because that's whats gonna make a swimmer." Obviously Ryan Lochte isn't going to cure cancer any time soon, but surely in this modern age he, a high profile American Olympian, couldn't possible have thought he would get away with a fake mugging story where he implicated Brazilian police. I believe that as this investigation unfolds the headlines will morph from "Ryan Lochte and 3 Teammates Mugged at Gunpoint" to "Why did Ryan Lochte and his 3 Teammates Lie About being Mugged at Gunpoint."


Stay tuned, this one should be a doozy.

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