Baseball Brawl of the Week: Braves vs. Padres - 8/12/1984

Baseball Brawl of the Week: Braves vs. Padres - 8/12/1984

Braves' pitcher Pascual Perez started this mid-August match up by beaming San Diego lead off batter Alan Wiggins with the first pitch of the game. The Padres then retaliated by targeting Perez every time he went to the plate. In Perez's first at bat in the 2nd inning, Padres' starter Ed Whitson was issued a warning for throwing a pitch behind Perez. In his next at bat in the 4th inning, Whitson was ejected after throwing 3 straight pitches inside on Perez. In his third at bat in the 6th, Padres reliever Greg Booker was ejected after throwing his first pitch way in on Perez and acting San Diego Manager Ozzie Virgil was also tossed. Tensions reached a boiling point when Padres' lefty Craig Lefferts finally connected with Perez during his 4th at bat in the 8th. Immediately both benches cleared and anarchy ensued. This brawl was tremendous: about 5-6 separate fights going on at the same time and then, just when it seemed like both sides had had enough, 38 year old Padres first baseman Champ Summers broke free and charged across the field towards Perez, who was in the Braves' dugout. This reignited hostilities and a new brawl broke out next to the dugout as several Atlanta fans began throwing things and pouring beers on Padres players, and a few even hopped onto the field and got involved in the fight. The second brawl continued even as police began pulling fans from the scrum and placing them in handcuffs. What's even more impressive about this fight is that after the dust settled and the game restarted, Braves' pitcher Donnie Moore pegged Padres' batter Graig Nettles in the top of the 9th. When it was all said and done 13 different players and coaches had been ejected and 5 fans were arrested.

Here is the video:

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