Hungary Keeper Gabor Kiraly is Oozing with Swag

Hungary Keeper Gabor Kiraly is Oozing with Swag

Gabor Kiraly plays by his own rules. Sweatpants tucked into his socks is a next level look - just emits an "I don't give AF" attitude . Guy is 40 years old and outswagging all the young bucks, all while posting a shutout in Hungary's opening game 2-nil victory over Austria - thus proving his look is for form and function. Kiraly is swagger pioneer, up there with the likes of Iverson, Vick, and Manny Ramirez. I'd bet my paycheck that every aspiring goalkeeper in Budapest is rocking their sweatpants tucked into their socks right now. I wish I had a team of Gabor Kiralys.

Copa America Quarterfinals: USA vs Ecuador Preview

Copa America Quarterfinals: USA vs Ecuador Preview

Peace Dunga

Peace Dunga